Monday, March 22, 2010

We just bought a house.

I... can't even express what I'm feeling right now.
Excitement? Terror? Happiness? I'm not really sure.
My family has been looking at houses for years, but it just wasn't right.
The house wasn't right, the timing wasn't right, the finances weren't right.
But somehow, everything has fallen right into place.
We'll be moving in June, right before I go to New York (which will be a welcome break from the stress of moving)
And I'll finally be able to paint my room!
I've never gotten to do that!
We've always rented, which means, no painting.
I'm more excited for this than anything else.
(well, maybe the hot tub ;) lol)
oh yeah, did I mention there's a hot tub?
hellz yeah.
And a wicked awesome garage that we're going to turn into a music studio (and my dad's home office, but who cares about that, right? lol)
It's small(ish) so we're going to have to squeeze to fit and probably get rid of a whole bunch of crap before we go.
But this is incredible, we're all very excited. (except my sister, because for whatever reason, she hates the house. whatever.)
Ack! So many plans to be made! So many people to tell!
Hoorah! We finally own a house!

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