Saturday, October 23, 2010

super confident!

So, weirdest thing, I've been feeling really super confident the past two days.
It's highly out of character for me.
Yesterday, I went to Glee Camp (yes, I'm in Glee Camp. and it's awesome so stfu.) and I auditioned for four solos!
Now, a year ago, you couldn't pay me to audition for a solo. In all my years of Jazz Choir in high school I think I auditioned for possibly three solos ever.
Yet, for whatever reason, last night I just whipped 'em all out like it was no sweat off my back.
I even auditioned for songs I hadn't prepared for, just because I felt like it!
And not only that, but I was so chill about it.
Any other time in the history of ever, I'd've freaked the fuck out, psyched myself out so hard.
I would've been shaking and terrified, and more than likely would've screwed up just due to nerves.
How strange is it then, that last night I sang so easily?
It is indeed strange.
Even stranger still is that that confidence I seemed to have last night seeped over into today and I was very friendly and outgoing all day at work. I was talking with customers, answering tons of questions, offering up small talk and general chit chat. I've never done that before.
Hm. I kind of like this feeling.
Being confident, I mean.

I landed one solo, but I now have to wait for an email about the rest because there were a couple other girls who auditioned for the same ones.
It's only been a day, but I'm already antsy!
I think I've checked my email about a dozen times since last night!
I can't get all of them, but maybe at least one more...

(Y'know what's even weirder?)
((I can honestly say that I was the strongest soloist to audition))
(((and if it weren't for the whole 'fairness' thing, I deserve to get all four solos, voice wise.)))
(((( I've never in my whole life been confident enough to even think that.))))

Monday, October 18, 2010

i like getting things in the mail :)

Look what came in the mail for me today!
I wonder what it could be!
Oh boy oh boy! Looky look!
Hooray! I am so stoked!

My Marianas Trench Pack came in the mail!
I got a poster, two stickers, four pins, a temporary tattoo and a guitar pick!
I am a happy girl!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

demon barber of fleet street: part two

Quotes from last night:

"That's not a couch, that's a dead body."

"We can't leave. They've already locked the doors. We're going to be the dead bodies for tomorrow nights show."

"I'm laughing, but on the inside, I'm crying a little. I'm kinda terrified."

"Crazy people throw the best parties."

"I'm tellin' ya, the insane really know how to get down."

"That is the most fucking terrifying theatre I have ever seen."

"Guys? Where's the door? ...."

"That guy stepped in the blood. Wouldn't it be funny if he woke up tomorrow and found bloody footprints in his house? I'd be terrified."

And a whole heck of a lot of stuff about dead bodies, mass murderers and serial killers.
Yup. Twas a good night.

I miss blogging. I think the reason I haven't been doing much of it lately is that I feel like I don't have anything interesting to blog about. But I didn't start this blog for other peoples entertainment. I started it for my own. I miss the days of old nexopia, when I would blog just about on a daily basis. Seriously. That blog was hilariously awful awesome. I may have to revisit it some time.
When I'm at work and I have a moment to spare or I'm really bored, I jot down my random thoughts on scrap pieces of receipt paper. I bring them home with me and now have a very large envelope full of them. I am deeply considering using them for future blog material. In fact, I have done so before.
So, keep your eyes peeled for plenty more random rambling blogs from me some time in the near future because I DON GIVE A FUCK, I'LL BLOG WHAT I WAN.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

the demon barber of fleet street.

So, I have this friend. Lovely and talented, she is. And she is currently in a production of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street playing the role of Johanna.

So, tonight, myself, my friend Stefana and her boyfriend Matt, went to see said production. And I want to get this all typed up before I come down off the incredible high that I am currently on.

The show itself was fantastic, truly it was. Engaging, creepy and strong. And some great little tricks, including glitter blood. Err, that sounds weird. But it was so well done and so cool. The characters were all well cast and well played. And the intimate setting, being so up close to the actors made it all the more powerful.

And of course, Krista (my aforementioned friend in the cast) was phenomenal. The girls voice is so crisp and beautiful, it could bring tears to the eyes of the burliest of men. I kid you not. She has made me cry with her singing on many an occasion. And I tell you, she was practically born to sing Green Finch and Linnet Bird.

But if we're being honest, the grandest part of the evening was, for me at least, the interactions and conversations between Fana, Matt and I. Fana and I fell into old patterns and synchronized Supernatural quoting etc, which I have so sorely missed. And it was great to finally get to know Matt a bit better, as I've not spent much time with him before.
I sincerely hope I didn't scare the poor boy, because let's face it, I was being a bit obnoxious. But y'see, I've been so starved for social interaction outside of work lately, that I essentially exploded tonight.

And that is exactly why I am so splendiferously happy at the moment.
It's been a long while since I went out and did something fun with people I like.
(With the exception of a really awesome Thanksgiving dinner spent with Supernatural fans and friends, which was uberly fun and I kinda forgot to blog about... whoops! sorry!! That was a great night, too!)
And it was such a welcome end to a shit day at work.

I've just really missed laughing. And boy did I ever laugh tonight!
Which sounds strange, considering Sweeney Todd isn't exactly a comedy. But like I said, it was the before, after and intermission bits that were hilarious. I have tried and tried to write up the story of what exactly happened during those times, but I just can't do it justice! It's kind of a 'you had to be there' story, I think. But I know that I will read this back one day and know exactly what I'm talking about.

Ultimately, I just want to say that I had a spectacularly awesome night with some awesome people at an awesome show and I'm happy to have had this experience. I'd like another one soon please.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

hey there, hi there, ho there!

How do ya like the new layout?
Felt it was about time for a change :)
Plus, the old layout looked pretty funky on my new, ginormous mac screen.
Which is beautiful, by the way. It's quite nice to have my own little beast.
By which I mean computer, duh.
Right, well, I don't exactly have any news to report.
Besides the fact that I bought myself a big cozy grandpa sweater.
I am quite enthused by this.
But other than that, I've been rather boring and melancholy lately.
Perhaps I've lost my blogging mojo.
Any suggestions on how to regain it? Because I'm open to ideas at this point...
Hm. Well I suppose I've babbled long enough.
With any luck, I'll be back to my usual chipper self by tomorrow.
But I somehow doubt that, considering I have to go to work.
Well, so long and good night!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

jus sayin'

So! Hello there! I've been neglectful of this blog (yet again) and have come not only to apologize, but also to blab and gab a little bit.

Lately I've been feeling I'm losing touch with many of the most important people in my life.
My friends.
If you're reading this and we haven't spent time together recently, please know that it isn't because I don't love you, it's because I'm finding it very difficult to coordinate schedules with people and so, have given up trying. A foolish thing to do, I know. Forgive me. We will hang out soon enough.

On that same vein, I've been thinking about friendships and how they work. How some friendships fade away with time and others will never deteriorate.

I recently saw a friend of mine whom I've known most of my life, but don't hang out with. We will forever be friends, I know it. No matter how much time apart, we will never lose touch. She will be at my wedding, and I at hers.
But it does make me think about other friendships I've had in the past that I thought were just as strong, but didn't make it past a couple years and now we never speak a word to each other. I hope in my heart that those people know that I do still care about them, I don't hate them in the slightest, but we just no longer have anything in common.

There are friends that you can go weeks, months, years even without seeing each other and yet when you do reconnect, it's as if you were never apart. You still laugh and joke and fall into old patterns.

Then there are friends that you seem to drift away from, the longer you're apart, almost as if you lose interest. Tis a terrible shame when this happens, but sometimes you lose your common denominator and no longer have anything to talk about.

Then there are those friends that you know, no matter what happens, ever, you will always be friends. Maybe not the best of friends, like you were in childhood, when all you had to have in common was a vested interest in teddy bears and Barbie dolls, but friends never the less.

Friendships are fascinating.
A far more difficult beast to tame than most people assume.
"Best Friends Forever"
It isn't really that simple, is it?

On another note, I will be without a computer for the next couple of days.
Hopefully not long. I shrivel without the internet.
But alas, if I want to (finally) have my own, personal computer set up and running, this is the way it must be.