Thursday, October 14, 2010

hey there, hi there, ho there!

How do ya like the new layout?
Felt it was about time for a change :)
Plus, the old layout looked pretty funky on my new, ginormous mac screen.
Which is beautiful, by the way. It's quite nice to have my own little beast.
By which I mean computer, duh.
Right, well, I don't exactly have any news to report.
Besides the fact that I bought myself a big cozy grandpa sweater.
I am quite enthused by this.
But other than that, I've been rather boring and melancholy lately.
Perhaps I've lost my blogging mojo.
Any suggestions on how to regain it? Because I'm open to ideas at this point...
Hm. Well I suppose I've babbled long enough.
With any luck, I'll be back to my usual chipper self by tomorrow.
But I somehow doubt that, considering I have to go to work.
Well, so long and good night!


  1. recipe for regaining blogging mojo:
    5 days worth of surfing other blogs
    10 hella enjoyably experiences
    1 thought of your blog being huge and important and having lots of fans that depend on it thus requiring you to blog fantastically in order to quench their internet thirsts
    1 million random thoughts, expanded upon.

    i kind of feel like a mastercard commercial... o_0

  2. This sounds like the perfect recipe, thank you.
    Any blog recommendations?
    And as for 'hella enjoyable experiences'... well, we should hang out. Jus' sayin'.
