Thursday, April 22, 2010

over load

Brace yourselves, cause here comes another redonkulously long post with a scramble of things that have little to no connection with each other.
I feel as though I've got a million things to say, and I keep putting off writing a blog because I can't organize my thoughts.
but here are a few things that have been on my mind lately...

first and foremost...
  • Pushing Daisies. This show has been filling my thoughts for a long while now, and I finally finished watching all the episodes (thanks to the library for having the dvds, since I sadly don't own them...yet.) and now I am tremendously sad that it's over. It was such a fantastical show, full of imaginative plot lines, colours, characters and visual effects. It was quirky, quit witted and cute, a dangerous combination for me since those are some of my favourite characteristics in a show. It also combined elements of every type of entertainment I seem to enjoy, from fast paced dialogue, to a touch of the supernatural, a bit of detective/crime drama, the occasional burst of song, and a hint of a morbid quality. Plus a super cute, tall Pie Maker named Ned, who I just want to hug! Every character was unique and interesting and all the relationships were intriguing to watch. Especially The Pie Maker and the Girl Named Chuck, whose romance is breathtakingly, heartbreakingly sweet. Everything about the show is simply stunning (especially Chuck's wardrobe!) and I wish it had gotten a chance to fully develop. But sadly, it, like many other wonderful television programs, was cancelled before it's time. The finale episode left me happily satisfied, but also left a gaping hole full of unanswered questions and the desperate need for the adorable-ness that is Ned & Chuck.
  • ALLCAPS. This band creates incredibly catchy songs about nerdy things like robots and World of Warcraft. I can't get their songs out of my head! And when I try to explain their music to other people, I get the strangest of looks. But really, I do advise listening to them because they are awesome.

  • Necklace. I had this necklace, a small heart shaped locket, that I loved. I wore it nearly every day and had it since before I could remember. My mum had given it to me when I was a kid. But a while back, I lost it and I've been fruitlessly searching for it ever since. (Friends, if you happen to come across it at your house, please, please let me know. It looks like this) Then, about a week ago my mum and I were chatting and she went into her jewelry box and pulled out a necklace very similar to mine, only not a locket. She handed it to me and explained that when she was around my age, her sister had bought it for her, for no particular reason. She said it was such a nice and touching gesture, and joked that her sister hadn't done anything quite as nice since, and told me that I could have it, at least until we discover the whereabouts of my own. I've been wearing it ever since. I haven't taken it off to sleep, shower, nothing. I don't know why...
  • Books. I had somehow forgotten the pure joy a book can bring. The feeling of being so wrapped up in a story, a whole 'nother world within your own imagination, that you lose track of time. But recently I rediscovered that sensation when I made a random trip to the library and borrowed a multitude of books. I've been reading a lot more lately than I have in ages. I had kind of just fallen out of the habit. And it's so nice to get back into it. Although, the pressure's on because the book I'm currently reading is due back at the library tomorrow and I'm definitely not finished with it yet.... "Having fun isn't hard, when you've got a library card!"

  • Cute Outfits. Am I the only one who wears a cute outfit for a day and doesn't want to take it off? Because it's too damn cute?? Or who doesn't want to go to bed because my bangs look so perfect at two in the morning? Ughh. I'm such a girl sometimes.
  • Negativity. Lately I've been getting very irritated by people who are constantly negative. If I'm happy and having fun and enjoying myself, I don't need Grouchy-Negativity-Pants to bring me down. If you're not going to be part of the fun, don't be a part of it at all. You're just ruining it. Uggggghh!!

  • Spoilers. I have trained myself so well. I haven't looked at any Supernatural spoilers in months! I'm so proud ^.^
  • Nerdyness. I am a nerd. I am. And I'm pretty happy about it. But sometimes I realize that I'm nerdy about things that most other people aren't nerdy about. I don't even fit in with the nerds! Where do I go from there? *sigh* ah well, as long as it makes me happy (and it does) I'll continue my nerdyness.

and lastly,
  • Musical Theatre. I went and saw a production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat last night (one of my favourite shows) and it was phenomenal! Although, oddly enough, I didn't particularly like their Joseph. Or their Narrator. (two of the most pivotal roles in the production, probably the most important really) Just a preference thing, I wasn't fond of their voices or delivery. But the rest of the cast/show was amazing! Especially the brothers, they were so hilarious and had such presence on stage! And that Pharaoh!! So effing good! I developed little Musical Theatre Crushes on most of the cast. Especially that one guy with the crazy eyebrows who was in the last production of Joseph I saw. I just wanted to high five him! I could go on and on about the show, but instead I'll move on. I was just thinking last night, while I sat in the fifth row, that nothing makes me happier than seeing a live musical. It fills my heart and mind with such joy, I cannot express. I love singing along to all the songs, and watching each new interpretation of a favourite show of mine is just so fulfilling. Each time I see a show, I'm so happy I'm practically in tears, no word of a lie. The words that come to mind to explain are: Glee, Squee, nerdgasm and MTD (Musical Theatre Dork). I think I've found my happy place.

and I think that is all.
Sorry for the big wall 'o text. I tried to break it up with some pretty pictures though :)

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