Sunday, April 11, 2010

How To Train Your Dragon

I just had to write about this.
I loved this movie more than I was expecting to.
I promise I'll be brief, and spoiler-free.
Ultimately, here's my review.
The characters were strong, quirky and really lovable. I cared very deeply about them and what happened to them throughout the story.
The dragons were great. Toothless was adorable. And all the others had their own interesting characteristics that I'd not seen or heard of before.
Never in my life have I wanted so badly to own a pet that could kill me.
The plot, though cheesy (I adore cheese), was unique and fresh and new, and not some chewed up and spit out remake or rip off.
And the best part about it?
None of it was forced, or fake or spoon fed to the audience.
All emotional aspects felt real and authentic.
There was tangible danger in the scary parts, the sad parts felt sincerely sad and the exciting, happy, adorable moments felt so good to be a part of.
And the ending wasn't some predictable, cookie cutter "good triumphs over evil" kind of thing, with no consequences from the inevitable epic battle.
The use of 3D was impressive (and as I've said before, I'm not normally a fan of 3D. But it's become a lot less corny and sideshow-y, and actually quite enjoyable in more recent films), as was the animation itself.
Everything about it just felt so real.
I wanted to be a part of their world and ride a dragon of my own.
Though I must admit, during that one flying scene with Toothless, Hiccup and Astrid, I couldn't help but think "A whole new world..."

ps: I found this on the internets.
Isn't it adorable? ^.^

1 comment:

  1. you've been...THUNDERSTRUCK. best song for the battle scene. they should have used that song.
