Friday, March 11, 2011

Life is a funny thing...

So it's been quite a while since I took the time to blog. There have been many occasions when I thought about it, thought about sitting down and letting my guts spew out onto the keyboard. But lately I've been so... uninspired. So listless. Drained of energy, life and spirit. With glimmers of excitement in between, I've mostly been spending my days moping about the house, wallowing in this terrible funk. I fear I've dug myself into a hole and I may need some help climbing out of it. Care to throw me a rope, oh internet friends?

A few things have happened in my life since we last spoke over ten days ago. And I suppose I'll just list them all and give a brief summary of each.

1. Show Choir
I have been having a blasty blast in show choir. I threw caution and anxiety to the wind, and have been auditioning for many solos.
2. Fundraiser
The big Cancan fundraiser has come and gone. I sang four songs and had tons of fun. Danced embarrassingly badly on purpose with my gal pal and laughed at the people who were embarrassingly bad without trying.
3. Claire
My lovely friend Claire has left on her amazing adventure in Europe. Oh, I shall miss her so... But in all seriousness. She is going to have a freakin awesome time and I hope she is well and having fun and staying out of harms way! Love you girly, miss you!!
As of this morning, I officially have a new job ^.^ I start next week and I'm nervous, but excited. (so I started singing a song called nervous, but excited)
5. Mother-Daughter Day
I went for a day of massages, lunch at a cute little tea house and shopping with my mum a couple days ago. No interruptions, no hurrying to get to any appointments, just my mum and I having a day of fun and bonding. It was lovely. I can't wait to do it again, hopefully some time soon.
6. Wheat Free Baking
I have discovered (and by me, I mean my mum and Claire) some simply sublime recipes for wheat free baking. Finally, I can have brownies that taste like real brownies and apple crisp with topping that's actually crisp instead of soggy. Yum.

And at this point, that is all I can think of, though I'm sure I've forgotten many things... I've just noticed that I've been sitting here, attempting to write this for probably the last hour or so and I think it's time for lunch. So, ta-ta internet buddies! I hope to speak to you again soon!

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