Thursday, March 17, 2011

First Day: New Job

Y'know that feeling when your brain is so full its almost as though its squeezing out your ears? (-_-;)

Well it was my first day at the new job today and my brain is on a bit of an information overload. But as first days go, it was a pretty good one. I mean, it most definitely could have been worse. At my old job, on the first day, I had a bunch of crabby ol' customers telling me I wasn't doing a good job, being snarky and short with me and rolling their eyes. And on the second day, I spilled an entire bowl of cone batter all over the counter and onto the floor. So let's just say, today was a cake walk by comparison. Of course, first days always suck. Being the New Girl is never a good feeling. Unsure, confused, embarrassed, awkward, incompetent, uncomfortable... these are just some of the words I think of. Because no matter what, you don't know what you're doing. It's the first day, you don't have a sense of how things work, who people are, what and how much you can say and all that other junk that you grow accustom to once you've become comfortable with a situation. The thing about today was, the people weren't trying to be friendly or accommodating or helpful. They just were. They seem like genuinely nice people. Easy going, approachable and easy to talk to. At least I think they'll be easy to talk to... once I, y'know, talk... to them... I was pretty quiet today. Not a lot of opportunity for chit chat when I don't have a clue what I'm doing. But I'm back again tomorrow morning for another eight hour shift and a few more shifts next week. I even get my first paycheck at the end of the month because I just caught the end of the pay period. I suppose I'll keep you posted on how things go. Right now all I know for sure is that I need to wear a warmer top tomorrow because it is freezing in that mall! And now, even though it's not even 8:30pm, I'm going to go brush my teeth and get ready for bed because my brain feels like mush and I have to do it all again tomorrow. Thanks for reading my ramblings. I love you all, even if you're only reading this out of morbid curiosity or as some kind of joke, at least my words aren't for nothing. Good night.

I didn't have a chance to make an Alphabetically Me video today and I do feel bad for that, but I am about to pass out soooooooooo.... I wouldn't make the best video material right about now...

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