Saturday, March 26, 2011

I only shoot up with your perfume.

I'm sitting here, wearing my most glamorous, old hollywood style night dress and robe, just for fun.

What could be better than a wonderful hot bath after a long week?
Nothing, I'll say.
And it has indeed been a long week. Week and a half more like, and it's certainly not over. I must admit, I'm a busy bee these days. All that time with nothing to do and suddenly I'm overwhelmed. Le sigh. Ah, such is life. Be careful what you wish for, isn't that what they say?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'm not unhappy. In all honesty, I'm quite pleased with the way things are going. Just drained is all. And boy would I ever like to rest every now and then. But things will settle down soon enough, if only to be replaced by something else equally as time and energy consuming.

There are so many things I want to say. I just want to open my mouth and blurt things out but I know what a horrible idea that is. I need my best friend. But unfortunately, none of the people that I would say qualify in that regard are currently at my disposal. But I feel like my brain is so full of gunk, I just need some way to release it all. Though, at the same time, I feel like it won't fix anything even if I do. I'm still going to obsess over every little thing. My mind plays tricks on me and my imagination carries me away sometimes. Wishful thinking? More than likely so, but I can't stop drifting off into LaLa Land and dreaming about it all anyways.

I realize I'm being rather cryptic so I'll leave you with this:
"How so very apropos:
A goodbye just as soon as I said 'Hello.'
Well alright, I'll see you later."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

First Day: New Job

Y'know that feeling when your brain is so full its almost as though its squeezing out your ears? (-_-;)

Well it was my first day at the new job today and my brain is on a bit of an information overload. But as first days go, it was a pretty good one. I mean, it most definitely could have been worse. At my old job, on the first day, I had a bunch of crabby ol' customers telling me I wasn't doing a good job, being snarky and short with me and rolling their eyes. And on the second day, I spilled an entire bowl of cone batter all over the counter and onto the floor. So let's just say, today was a cake walk by comparison. Of course, first days always suck. Being the New Girl is never a good feeling. Unsure, confused, embarrassed, awkward, incompetent, uncomfortable... these are just some of the words I think of. Because no matter what, you don't know what you're doing. It's the first day, you don't have a sense of how things work, who people are, what and how much you can say and all that other junk that you grow accustom to once you've become comfortable with a situation. The thing about today was, the people weren't trying to be friendly or accommodating or helpful. They just were. They seem like genuinely nice people. Easy going, approachable and easy to talk to. At least I think they'll be easy to talk to... once I, y'know, talk... to them... I was pretty quiet today. Not a lot of opportunity for chit chat when I don't have a clue what I'm doing. But I'm back again tomorrow morning for another eight hour shift and a few more shifts next week. I even get my first paycheck at the end of the month because I just caught the end of the pay period. I suppose I'll keep you posted on how things go. Right now all I know for sure is that I need to wear a warmer top tomorrow because it is freezing in that mall! And now, even though it's not even 8:30pm, I'm going to go brush my teeth and get ready for bed because my brain feels like mush and I have to do it all again tomorrow. Thanks for reading my ramblings. I love you all, even if you're only reading this out of morbid curiosity or as some kind of joke, at least my words aren't for nothing. Good night.

I didn't have a chance to make an Alphabetically Me video today and I do feel bad for that, but I am about to pass out soooooooooo.... I wouldn't make the best video material right about now...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's amazing what a little redecorating can do...

I have spent a good portion of this evening and last doing some rearranging in my bedroom. I find this very satisfying. And doing so has seemingly broken me out of that horrible funk I spoke of. It's amazing what a little organization and moving a couple posters around can do for a gal. I've got a whole list of other little things to fix, add, and change but for now I'm quite satisfied. But of course, because my brain was on an interior decorating buzz, I had to look up bedrooms on google. These are some of my findings. Some I think are simply beautiful and I wish I had right now, some I wish I could've had as a child and some I just think are cool, however impractical they may or may not be. You get to figure out which ones are which ;)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Life is a funny thing...

So it's been quite a while since I took the time to blog. There have been many occasions when I thought about it, thought about sitting down and letting my guts spew out onto the keyboard. But lately I've been so... uninspired. So listless. Drained of energy, life and spirit. With glimmers of excitement in between, I've mostly been spending my days moping about the house, wallowing in this terrible funk. I fear I've dug myself into a hole and I may need some help climbing out of it. Care to throw me a rope, oh internet friends?

A few things have happened in my life since we last spoke over ten days ago. And I suppose I'll just list them all and give a brief summary of each.

1. Show Choir
I have been having a blasty blast in show choir. I threw caution and anxiety to the wind, and have been auditioning for many solos.
2. Fundraiser
The big Cancan fundraiser has come and gone. I sang four songs and had tons of fun. Danced embarrassingly badly on purpose with my gal pal and laughed at the people who were embarrassingly bad without trying.
3. Claire
My lovely friend Claire has left on her amazing adventure in Europe. Oh, I shall miss her so... But in all seriousness. She is going to have a freakin awesome time and I hope she is well and having fun and staying out of harms way! Love you girly, miss you!!
As of this morning, I officially have a new job ^.^ I start next week and I'm nervous, but excited. (so I started singing a song called nervous, but excited)
5. Mother-Daughter Day
I went for a day of massages, lunch at a cute little tea house and shopping with my mum a couple days ago. No interruptions, no hurrying to get to any appointments, just my mum and I having a day of fun and bonding. It was lovely. I can't wait to do it again, hopefully some time soon.
6. Wheat Free Baking
I have discovered (and by me, I mean my mum and Claire) some simply sublime recipes for wheat free baking. Finally, I can have brownies that taste like real brownies and apple crisp with topping that's actually crisp instead of soggy. Yum.

And at this point, that is all I can think of, though I'm sure I've forgotten many things... I've just noticed that I've been sitting here, attempting to write this for probably the last hour or so and I think it's time for lunch. So, ta-ta internet buddies! I hope to speak to you again soon!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lisping Lisa...

Sooo today marks the weekaversary of my top braces and unfortunately I'm not adjusting to them quite as quickly as the bottom ones. I still have a rather terrible lisp and it's beginning to be a problem for singing and is certainly embarrassing when I speak. I have decided to start a new personal project, where by I record myself speaking the lengthy speech exercise I was given by the orthodontist on a daily basis so I can listen and track my progress. I'm supposed to read the thing aloud "three times per day, until [my] speech sounds normal. This usually takes just a few days" Ahh, well, things never go quite right for me, do they?

In other news, I have been rehearsing with my dad's band for a gig this upcoming Saturday. It's for a fundraiser put on by the Wild West Cancan Dancer Society (which both my mum and I are a part of) to raise funds for Elyse's medical treatments. It's a very personal thing for our family, and when the Cancan ladies offered to do it we felt embarrassed and uncomfortable at first, but soon realized it is a very nice gesture which in the end will help us out a great deal, both financially and mentally since we won't be so stressed about the high costs of Elyse's treatments. (run on sentence ftw) I will be performing two songs with the band during their first set of the evening, as well as singing two songs earlier in the evening in a karaoke style format. The two solo songs sung with backing track were just sort of thrown at me about two days ago and since then I've been scrambling to find something to sing. It's nerve wracking. But I think I've sorted it out... now I have to friggin figure out how to get the instrumental tracks to play through their sound system at the venue...

Aaaaaannd I got a job interview for this thursday afternoon! I am pretty stoked on that! I really hope I get it because it's so close to my house. I can walk there! :) But now of course I'm freaking out because job interviews friggin suck and I have to figure out what to wear and what to ask them and prepare answers for their inevitable questions and blah blah blah. Uggghh so much work to get work. Ya know? But hey, at least it'll be money towards VidCon.

I feel like I'm blogging nexopia style. I fall into this habit every once in a while, I hope that's okay. Maybe, today, it's because I was reading through a bunch of old blog entries on nex recently...

Ah, well. I was supposed to go to bed relatively early tonight, but apparently that's not happening. It is almost midnight, after all. But I suppose if I hit the hay right about now....... well, it won't be early but it certainly won't be late. Good night.