Tuesday, September 14, 2010

the internet is a big, shiny, distracting place.

At the moment, I am ridiculously tired. I have been all day. I deeply considered having a nap this afternoon, but didn't get the chance. And now, I can barely keep my eyes open and I fear I may soon start drooling on the keyboard.
But yet, somehow, I'm still awake, staring at this bright glaring screen.
Why, you may ask?
Well for one simple reason.
The Internet.
It's so easy to procrastinate when on the internet. You just click away and suddenly, hours have gone by.
So far I've watched several videos, read countless tweets, played Treasure Isle on Facebook, chatted with friends, searched craigslist for random crap I don't really need and laughed my ass off at this blog ---> The Party
Yet, I haven't done a single productive thing in all the time I've been sitting in this chair.
And it's hard to comprehend how time has passed, because the internet is so vast and endless, time seems to take a different form when you're lost in the World Wide Web.
It starts off innocently enough. You think to yourself, "I'll just go on and check my email."
But then you think, "While I'm on here, I might as well check my facebook..."
And that's when it all goes down hill. Facebook leads to Twitter, Twitter leads to Youtube, which leads to livejournal, craigslist, MSN, blogs and games. Suddenly, without consciously deciding to do so, you've whittled away one, two or even three whole hours. And now it's midnight. And you have to get up early the next morning for something very important. But you just. can't. stop.
Next thing you know, it's three in the morning, and you're still surfing.
This, is the power of the Internet.
And no one is immune to its power.
Not me, not you, not even my mother.
The Internet grabs hold of you, gnaws at your brain and turns you into a zombie. And all you can do is pray to be released from it's immense power.

1 comment:

  1. you, my dear friend, speak nothing but the truth.
