Oddly enough, time flew by. And suddenly, it is now dinner time. And many members of my family sit outside on the porch, around a table set in a hurry for dinner.
I won't be joining them.
Nope. I will remain in my room, barely lucid, struggling to keep the contents of my stomach inside my stomach.
Enough about that nastiness, though.
I just finished reading "The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening and The Struggle"
Yes, I am aware of how lame that is. But I actually quite enjoyed it. I like cheesy, romantic vampire novels, so sue me.
But now, unfortunately, I don't own the next book and so will have to wait to find out whatever happens to the stunning heroine and the studly brothers. Le sigh.
Ooh, and the tv show returns this week. Oh boy, oh boy. The show's even better than the book. But, that could just be because of Ian Somerhalder ;)
I simply cannot wait to watch it with my BFF so we can make our usual, non-stop sexual innuendos. That's the best part of watching the show. It's just so much fun, and so damned easy, too. I've been craving the hilarity of it all summer.
And, I don't think I'll be going to work this week, (I'm not healing as quickly or as nicely as I had anticipated, and think it best not to go back to work til I've fully recuperated) so I will in fact be home to watch the premiere.
... that shouldn't be the most exciting part of my week. Especially since I'm not such a rabid fan of TVD as I am of other shows. But, I think it is. The most exciting part of my week, that is.
Or no, maybe the most exciting part of my week is the prospect of getting to see a bunch of my lovely friends, whom I miss so much, for a girly sleepover. But for all I know, that might not happen til next week anyways...
Ohh! Or perhaps getting the Supernatural season five dvd on tuesday! And potentially getting to watch the gag reel with my BSBF (Best Supernatural Buddy Forever)
Wow. I can't believe I blog about these things.
But what did I say before? A blog is a place to talk about things when you don't have anyone to talk to? Right.
Well, since I'm held up in my prison bedroom, I guess that's what I'm doing. Talking. At least I'm not technically talking to myself...
It sounds as if they haven't even started dinner yet... I may not be able to gnaw on the tasty steaks they've got out there, but when dessert time comes, (is it pathetic that even at almost 19 years of age, I still struggle with the words 'desert' and 'dessert?) I may actually be able to eat that! And good thing, too, cause it's one of my favourites. Apple-Rhubarb crumble. Mmmmm...
Well, I guess I'd better show my face outside briefly, to save my family coming into my bedroom to say hello and pass on well wishes, only to find me passed out in a heap on my bed.
I will more than likely return later to babble some more about God knows what.
If not, well, I'll certainly be back tomorrow.
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