Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tired, thinking, rambling...

Soooo it's the middle of the night and I'm uber tired, so what do I do?
I write a blog entry.
Screw sleeping.
Who needs sleep anyway?
(well clearly me, since I'm a total crankypuss without it)

I was just thinking...

Tonight, I had a moment where I just thought to myself
"Life is good."
And really, it is.
I had this feeling wash over me of pure happiness, just bliss.
I'm going to New York (tickets are booked, accommodations paid for, all is well), I'm going to see Eddie Izzard (so beyond stoked on this. he is the funniest man alive.), I got to watch Supernatural being filmed in my home town (woot! even if we didn't get to see much cause it was a really short shoot), I have a job, and I have amazingly awesome friends.
Sometimes, I take the little things for granted and forget how good I've got it.
Sure, family stuff sucks sometimes (and currently, really sucks due to some really shitty financial matters, which I won't get into)
But I've got so many things to be thankful for and most importantly, so many things to make me smile.
And I really gotta remind myself of that and try to always stay positive, that there's always a reason to be happy.
Even just little things.
For example, today while practicing guitar, I managed to hit a perfect F chord for the first time.
I felt so proud, even for just that brief moment, and the rest of my day was just so much brighter.
I've got the warm and fuzzies right now.
I love my friends, I love my life, I love myself,
I love everything.
And I really hope this feeling lasts.
(though, it probably wont.)


  1. I know the took me YEARS before I just decided that if I'm happy I shouldn't have to justify why to anyone.
    There are somethings I can control, others I I fixed the messed up crap that I can and try my damnedest to forget the stuff I can't.
    I'm glad your happy! Everyone deserves to be!
    Just remember, if you need a pick me up, that's why we have friends. The ones who bring you down really aren't friends :D
    It was fun hanging tonight! ~Lisa Mack

  2. Thanks Lisa. That's a good philosophy to live by.
    It's hard not to get sucked into the vast black hole of unhappiness, but there's lots of ways to keep yourself out of it, and that is exactly what friends are for! ^.^
    Last night was so much fun, can't wait to do it again!
