So it's been a few days since the house buying incident, and yet it still feels like a dream.
It feels as though, at any second, I could wake up in my bed and think to myself "damn, that was a really long dream."
None of it will feel real or official until we actually start packing and moving our stuff (which we should probably start doing, considering we have soo much)
I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do with my new bedroom.
No official decisions have been made, but many thoughts have been bouncing around in my head.
I thought, perhaps, something like this would be nice:
I am also very deeply considering the possibility of magnetic paint.
I have a friend who has a fabulous chalkboard wall, which seemed like a cool idea.
In researching that, I discovered magnetic primer and thought it would be pretty nifty and probably more practical for me since I love putting up pictures and posters and things on my wall, and magnets would save me from destroying them with pesky push pins, or bits of sticky tack.
Though, a friend of mine did advise me that using magnetic paint is tricky and to make sure that I sand between coats, so it doesn't end up lumpy (like her bedroom wall. though, she does say that it works. she just wishes she knew then what she knows now.)
So that might be more work than I'm willing to do, but with an army of slaves........
hm, well it's something to think about.
For now, I'm just going to dream about how lovely it'll all look when it's finally done, whatever it is that I'm doing.
Also, I finished reading my book today.
Took me a couple weeks.
I'm a very slow reader, so this is an accomplishment.
It was funny and enjoyable, though not something I would pick up again.
I now have approximately a week to read the other two books I took out from the library at the same time as that one, so uh... yeah, good luck with that, self.
And lastly (though, admittedly most excitedly)
new Supernatural tonight, woooooooooooo!!!
I'm so stoked on this, it's ridiculous.
It's been a very long break (six weeks, I think?) and I've tried my very hardest to be good about spoilers.
(though I can't count myself a saint, since I did in fact watch them film this particular episode a while back...)
I have not watched a single promo, trailer, or preview of any sort.
No pictures, episode descriptions, imdb pages or possible guest star lists.
And pretty much none of that for any other upcoming episodes, either (although I did have a slight slip up a little while ago when someone sent to me directly a link to an imdb page for an upcoming episode (can't recall which one) that I read the guest stars for. oops?)
I much prefer not to be spoiled, it makes watching the episode that much more enjoyable.
But with the internet being so full of delicious spoilery goodness, it is very hard to use my (fluctuating) willpower to abstain from viewing such things.
I'm so weird when it comes to TV watching.
I prefer to watch things I actually like and care about, alone.
With no one around, I can talk (loudly) to the TV and various characters, laugh uproariously when necessary and get misty eyed if need be.
All without fear of judgement.
Ahh, and I'll have the house to myself for this tonight.
Well, my dad will be in the basement watching it as well, but I'll have the whole upper floor all for me.
Weeee! I can't wait!