Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hello hello!

Ah! I feel much better now!
No, I am not fully recovered. But feeling a hundred times better than yesterday and a million times better than the day before. So admittedly, I'm not at 100% but so close, I can almost taste it. Except I can't taste it because all I can taste is blood. Yeuck.
Anywhoo! Turns out, the pain meds they put me on were the main problem, actually. They were making me vomit and super super nauseous. So I've switched meds and I feel a whole heck of a lot better. My mouth still hurts and I can't eat anything and I have to rinse with nasty salt water four times a day, but at least I'm not puking! Whew!
Now, on to better and brighter things!
I finished watching Nowhere Boy, which was splendid. It gave me a quaint feeling. I enjoyed it. But let's be honest, with that face in it,
how could I not?

I also just finished watching Back To The Future part two (I watched part one last night) and I'm about to move on to part three. Zomg, I friggin love these movies. Obviously, the first one is the best but the second one still rocks and I can barely remember the third but I'm sure it's awesome, too. I've been tweeting a bit about them as I watch, mostly things like "Michael J. Fox was a babe in these movies." and "I love these movies blahdee blah blah" but seriously. So much epic.

I also managed to edit together the first part of my trip to Orlando videos. Well, I didn't really "edit" it much, I just slapped together the clips I took and it's currently uploading to YouTube (for the second friggin time because the first upload failed. akjdhgkdfjhkjdfhdfgggerrrrr) I'm hoping it's not horrendously boring for people to watch, but really it's just for me to document and remember the awesomeness of that trip. It really made me smile going through the footage, especially when I was feeling so crappy...

I also want to say how much I love my coyotes. I made a long post about how much I needed a hug and all the crap that's been going on and immediately about twelve people responded with words of support. Even those who just came on and wrote "hugs!" it meant so much to me, so thank you coyotes. You are the best damn thing that's happened to me lately. I'm so glad I can always rely on you, for support, love and lawls. I saw all dem posts of photoshopped pics the other day. Hardeeharharr. But srsly. Loooovveee yewwww. #coyotepacklove

OH YEA!!!! And the most importantest thing evarrr!!!
I wish I was feeling a little better though, so I could enjoy it more... but I've been looking forward to this for months. Last time I saw Wicked (also the first time haha) was in New York last year and it was the most amazing, beautiful, moving experience I've ever had. I worked so hard to get there and as I sat in that theatre finally watching the Broadway performance of my lifetime, I was so overcome with emotion I can't begin to describe. I'm a very emotional person, so it's not unusual for me to cry during moments like those. But I will never in my life forget that feeling. Nothing else can compare. None of the other shows we saw in New York gave me quite the same feeling, nothing I've ever seen or done before could live up to that moment. I know that this time around won't be quite the same, but I'm anticipating an emotional reaction never the less. Now I just have to decide which of my many Wicked t-shirts to wear tonight, if any. I spent almost $200 on Wicked merch in New York, so I've got lots of things to pick from. I might bring my stuffed monkey dude with wings, and wear my witch hat necklace... Oh boy, I'm getting so excited just thinking about it! I can't wait! I will tell you all about it when I get back! In the mean time however, I must go... BACK TO THE FUTURE!!! Ahahah, see what I did there? ;) No, but actually, I gotta go finish this trilogy. Trilogy of awesome.

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