Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hey, what's up? I met Brendon Urie.

Uhm, hey blogger? Yeah, I met Brendon freaking Urie a couple days ago.
Just thought I'd mention that.

Oh yeah, and I met Spencer Smith too. No big deal.

So yeah. Last friday my friend and I took a little roadtrip down to Seattle for the Panic! At The Disco concert on June 24th and it was awesome. We had a lot of fun in the car just jammin' out to some tunes and chatting and staying up all night in our hotel room. I posted a video about it over tharrr --> so you can watch that for video evidence of my shenanigans and ridiculous excitement over the whole ordeal. I look like a major derp in both pictures (seriously, what am I doing with my face?) but I DON GIVE A FUUHHH.

Friday, June 17, 2011

I have a few urges right now:

1. Make crafts. Like, I wana glue shit onto construction paper and cut things out with those fancy scissors. I wanna make t-shirts with iron on patches and fabric paint. I wanna do crrraaaffffttttssss.

2. I wanna go through every article of clothing in my wardrobe and get rid of a bunch of stuff that I no longer like or fit. I want to revamp my whole closet!

3. Make videos. I have a whole list of videos I want to make, some that I've wanted to make for months and haven't gotten around to. But unfortunately, it's dark out now and the lighting in my room is terrible. I may, perhaps, make a few anyways. Take some footage and post it at a later date... maybe keep it for days when I'm too tired/lazy/busy/sick to make a video.... Hmmmm....

4. Bake. I want to bake. I want to bake cookies, cakes, pie... anything! Ooooh, ooh!! Cinnamon buns!!!! I want to bake cinnamon buns. Like stat. Pronto. Zomg, so tasty.

5. I want to go to the dollar store or some other cheap shop and buy various pens, pencils and journals.

6. Build a motha effin FORT.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

So apparently I only ever come on here to complain now

But I'm just having a really shitty time.
Yesterday I had to come home from work early because I randomly got really nauseous and had to run into the back room to throw up in the bathroom sink.
Then I came home and spent the next few hours doing the same thing. Couldn't keep any food down.
I must've caught some kind of bug somewhere along the line. It came on so suddenly, I was fine all morning then out of the blue, nope not fine at all.
And of course I couldn't sleep last night, hence why I'm awake at 6am for no frickin reason.
And now my face is red and puffy and swollen and itchy and I can barely see out of my left eye.
What the hell is wrong with me?
I had all these plans yesterday and today, too. Video making plans for when I got home from work. But they all got thrown out the window for now... unless I feel better this afternoon but I somehow doubt it.
I guess I'll be going back to bed and hope to God I feel better soon because tonight was supposed to be a good night.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Okay, I'm ready to leave my house now...

Somebody come take me away. I've been cooped up in here since Monday. I swear, I'm all healed up! Okay, well, no not healed per say, but I feel fine and dandy, minus the tiny problems I have with eating. But I'm all better pretty much and I'd really like to get out of my bedroom, please. In the mean time, I guess I'll just continue to browse through Tumblr and giggle (or laugh uproariously) at the many relatable and hilarious posts. Sigh. I'm getting so bored of this now. But, I go back to work tomorrow! I'm actually a little bit excited, is that weird? At least it'll be something different than my tiny life the past week haha. However, I've got a bunch of things to worry about once I'm back into the flow of life, it's gonna be kinda shitty, all of a sudden I'm gonna be super stressed out and I'll be wishing I was staying in bed eating mushy foods and watching Back To The Future. Isn't that always the way? Alright, well perhaps I'll make a concerted effort to do something at least a little productive today. Maybe I'll even step outside! Gasp, shock, horror! Actually, I'd really like to go outside...
("let's go outside, let's go outside, outside's nice cause it goes world wide!")

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Alright, I just got back from seeing Wicked at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre and by God was it ever amazing. Here are some of my tweets and status updates from the night (and by some, I mean all)
"listening to the Wicked soundtrack on the way to see Wicked. overkill? never!"
"Just spent $50 on a shirt. Oh, Wicked, the things you do to me... I already spent close to $200 last time!"
"Dear person in the row in front of me a few seats down, your hair is awesome. It kinda looks like its on fire!"
"Dear obnoxious Canucks fans at the theater, I realize you are excited, but this is neither the time nor place for your insessent screaming. I do hope you cease and desist when the lights go out and the curtain rises."
"alright, the obnoxious fans have silenced and the show has so far been amazing. can't wait to see act two!"
"Oh freakin Wicked! I love this show! Gonna obsess over it for a little while... Don't mind me..."
So, as you may have noticed, I mentioned Canucks fans a couple of times, so let me first elaborate on that before going any further. Its one thing to be excited about the game. Yell in the streets, post on your Facebook or twitter or whatever else you may like, that's totally cool. But when I'm sitting in a theater about to watch a show, a musical, I really don't want to hear your screaming. I'm all for expressing your enthusiasm (believe me, I do it regularly for various things) but please, learn the time and place. I realize this probably sounds "bitchy" to many of you sports fans, but I don't care. I don't come out on the ice and break into "Dancing Through Life" so don't come in to my theater and scream like a crazy person. Have some respect. Thanks.
Righto! Now on to the good stuff!! 
So the show was spectacular! As I said, I saw it in New York last year and it was amazing. So, naturally, I spent most of the night comparing between the show I saw, the show I was seeing and Original Broadway Cast recordings. Don't get me wrong, everyone here was fantastic, but it's a personal preference thing. I liked their Elphaba quite a lot, I felt they made the character very likeable, and acting wise, I much preferred her over the lady in NY, (because that one was a little more gruff, almost mean, and it made it difficult to feel sympathetic towards her in the end, which is kind of the whole point of the show) and this one seemed sweeter, kinder, though her voice couldn't quite compare to the Elphie in NY. And I noticed she changed a few small things in her songs, made them her own I guess you could say. Some of them I liked, others... not so much. I noticed she went up instead of down at some points during her songs and I wasn't keen. However, there was one significant moment at the end of No Good Deed which just felt so right. Just a change in inflection, but so impactful. As for Glinda, well... she was no where near the Glinda we saw in NY. This one's version of"Popular" had some wicked hilarious moments (no pun intended) and she certainly was talented, but not my cup of tea. Her portrayal of the character was more annoying than funny/cute to me and her voice I found a little grating. She had her moments though, for sure. She is clearly a very talented girl. Fiyero... ohh, Fiyero... his voice was so delicious. And he certainly had the moves ;) Oh, and Boq... he was cute and all, but when he held the note in "let's daaaaanncee" (which is honestly one of my favourite parts of the whole show)  I wasn't impressed... However, I was super impressed by the amazing ensemble! The dance routines were phenomenal! And by golly, the costumes!! Gahhh!! And holy shit. When Fiyero and Elphaba sang "As Long As You're Mine" I could have died. Just died, I tell you! It was so... intense, emotional, powerful, beautiful, lustful, sweet and just plain and simply amazing. Good God, the harmonies in that song... I can't even. I'm listening to it right now as I type this. That last line... "For the first time... I feel... wicked..." SO GOOD. Although, tonight's Elphie didn't do it justice in my mind. But their singing was so superb that it made up for it. And those freakin' monkeys. Man, those monkeys are scary shit. I tell you what. Scary. They're just... creepy, you know? Always climbing and crawling around in the background, always moving. And that one monkey, the main monkey, the one that belonged to the Wizard first, I can never freakin remember his name and it drives me nuts! Someone, anyone, tell me his name! And then of course there was this absurd phenomenon of people being late and coming in to sit down after the lights had gone out and the show had clearly begun. Why were so many people so late? After intermission especially. There was a stream of people, at least thirty or so who came much, much after act two had already begun. Two songs in and it was never ending people on both sides. Wtfffff?
All in all it was a great show, but as good as this cast was, as a general, overall, I personally prefer the cast I saw in NY. But this was still fab. I highly recommend you go see it. 

I'm sorry if this review was sloppy or incomprehensible, but it is nearly two in the morning and I've been sitting here trying to write it just so for so long, but I've simply just gotten too tired to care. So there ya go. Have a nice night.

Hello hello!

Ah! I feel much better now!
No, I am not fully recovered. But feeling a hundred times better than yesterday and a million times better than the day before. So admittedly, I'm not at 100% but so close, I can almost taste it. Except I can't taste it because all I can taste is blood. Yeuck.
Anywhoo! Turns out, the pain meds they put me on were the main problem, actually. They were making me vomit and super super nauseous. So I've switched meds and I feel a whole heck of a lot better. My mouth still hurts and I can't eat anything and I have to rinse with nasty salt water four times a day, but at least I'm not puking! Whew!
Now, on to better and brighter things!
I finished watching Nowhere Boy, which was splendid. It gave me a quaint feeling. I enjoyed it. But let's be honest, with that face in it,
how could I not?

I also just finished watching Back To The Future part two (I watched part one last night) and I'm about to move on to part three. Zomg, I friggin love these movies. Obviously, the first one is the best but the second one still rocks and I can barely remember the third but I'm sure it's awesome, too. I've been tweeting a bit about them as I watch, mostly things like "Michael J. Fox was a babe in these movies." and "I love these movies blahdee blah blah" but seriously. So much epic.

I also managed to edit together the first part of my trip to Orlando videos. Well, I didn't really "edit" it much, I just slapped together the clips I took and it's currently uploading to YouTube (for the second friggin time because the first upload failed. akjdhgkdfjhkjdfhdfgggerrrrr) I'm hoping it's not horrendously boring for people to watch, but really it's just for me to document and remember the awesomeness of that trip. It really made me smile going through the footage, especially when I was feeling so crappy...

I also want to say how much I love my coyotes. I made a long post about how much I needed a hug and all the crap that's been going on and immediately about twelve people responded with words of support. Even those who just came on and wrote "hugs!" it meant so much to me, so thank you coyotes. You are the best damn thing that's happened to me lately. I'm so glad I can always rely on you, for support, love and lawls. I saw all dem posts of photoshopped pics the other day. Hardeeharharr. But srsly. Loooovveee yewwww. #coyotepacklove

OH YEA!!!! And the most importantest thing evarrr!!!
I wish I was feeling a little better though, so I could enjoy it more... but I've been looking forward to this for months. Last time I saw Wicked (also the first time haha) was in New York last year and it was the most amazing, beautiful, moving experience I've ever had. I worked so hard to get there and as I sat in that theatre finally watching the Broadway performance of my lifetime, I was so overcome with emotion I can't begin to describe. I'm a very emotional person, so it's not unusual for me to cry during moments like those. But I will never in my life forget that feeling. Nothing else can compare. None of the other shows we saw in New York gave me quite the same feeling, nothing I've ever seen or done before could live up to that moment. I know that this time around won't be quite the same, but I'm anticipating an emotional reaction never the less. Now I just have to decide which of my many Wicked t-shirts to wear tonight, if any. I spent almost $200 on Wicked merch in New York, so I've got lots of things to pick from. I might bring my stuffed monkey dude with wings, and wear my witch hat necklace... Oh boy, I'm getting so excited just thinking about it! I can't wait! I will tell you all about it when I get back! In the mean time however, I must go... BACK TO THE FUTURE!!! Ahahah, see what I did there? ;) No, but actually, I gotta go finish this trilogy. Trilogy of awesome.