Soooooooo... last night a bunch of incredibly awesome people gathered in an incredibly awesome place for incredibly awesome reasons...
It was a celebration of our friendship. A friendaversary, if you will.
We did not all meet on the exact same day, but it's all connected. So and so met so and so who knew whats-her-face and such. And through that, we have all become friends. Sadly, not all of us could be together on this joyous occasion, simply because we don't all live in the same country. But those who came are awesome and I am so glad to have them in my life.
In honour of this friendaversary, I thought I would share the greatest video in existence and link you to the website from whence it came. Relevant because upon first meeting my pal Lisa, I forced her to watch it and babbled quite endlessly about its hilariosity and greatness. So... here.
Also, watch my new video about last night, too kay? :)
Yay thanks! Here it is! Supernatural Saturday Segment: Parties and Suggestions
- Some of the best moments/quotes/tweets of last night.
- "Jared's naked and I need a boyfriend."
- "Sam on stripper pole. Yes please.""You must be at least six feet to enjoy this ride ;)"
- "instead of talking to each other they are all tweeting eachother""PORN."
- "ooow my hair hurts!"
- "Steak in my pants""why did they break up?"..."because he shot her in the face""she's not drunk, but she can't get it in." ... "that's what she said.""there's this huge red hunka chunka thing...""the sword goes inside." "...that's what she said.""we're so shallow! And dirty! Its like a kiddie pool in here!"I love you guys. All of you.
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