Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Freakin Potter

So. I went to the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part One midnight movie madness premiere release on thursday night.
It was totally awesome.
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I went with two cool buds and by crazy random happenstance, bumped into two more at the theater, who let us cut in line with them ;)
It was a long wait (five hours!) but most definitely worth it.
I loved chitterchattering with fellow fans about our predictions for the movie and seeing everyone's costumes. There was a guy dressed as Quirrell, including a Voldemort on the back of his turban! Quirrellemort!
It feels so good to be surrounded by people who are just as excited (and nerdy!) about something as you are. I felt home. I felt loved. I felt like I belonged.
It was also amazing to know that all across Vancouver and any other place in the same time zone, hundreds and hundreds of people were all having the same experience. Watching the same movie, laughing when I was laughing, crying when I was crying... feeling essentially all the same emotions as I was going through. It's almost mind boggling to think about.
And the movie itself was phenomenal. I felt it was the best one yet, in a lot of ways. Off the top of my head, I can't name any major complaints. Well, except the massive awkwardness that is Harry/Ginny, but that's unavoidable. Their on screen chemistry is so non-existant it's cringeworthy and almost painful to watch.
But other than that, I felt it was stunningly beautiful, emotional, well acted and extremely well done. Especially the Tale of Three Brothers bit. Ah! So gorgeous. And like nothing we've ever seen in an HP film before. It really stood out.
And they did a good job breaking the tension with some well placed humour. Even though the movie is quite serious and dark and remarkably sad, there were definitely parts where I was whole heartedly laughing and smiling through my anguish and tears.
And there were tears, believe me. I was sniffling and misty eyed the whole way through. Partly from the emotional setting of the film and also partly due to the crushing sadness that this whole phenomenon will soon be coming to an end.
Though, I know in my heart it will never truly be over.

If you want to know more of my opinions specifically and you're okay with spoilers, I highly suggest watching this video by my favourite youtuber, Kristina Horner (italktosnakes) because I essentially share all her opinions (with a few exceptions. Harry/Ginny in the books I actually didn't mind, I went into the movie expecting to like it better than the book...etc) and I kinda just love her and how she talks about things, so yeah. Go watch it cause she's lovely and awesome.

Oh man, and there were some pretty hilarious moments between us pals as well.
"That's it. I have had it with these mutha fuckin' snakes!"
"That's rough, man."
"Paranormal Blacktivity."

My plans of getting epic footage in the line were foiled because we were made to hand over any and all recording devices, cameras or laptops to be locked up in the office with name and phone number attached. Bullshit, I say. So I hid my camera away inside my trusty Hedwig backpack. Unfortunately, I now have no footage. But I did make a long, rambly vlog when I got home at four in the morning, describing practically every piece of Harry Potter related merchandise I own. So, feel free to enjoy that here.

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