So! Hello there! I've been neglectful of this blog (yet again) and have come not only to apologize, but also to blab and gab a little bit.
Lately I've been feeling I'm losing touch with many of the most important people in my life.
My friends.
If you're reading this and we haven't spent time together recently, please know that it isn't because I don't love you, it's because I'm finding it very difficult to coordinate schedules with people and so, have given up trying. A foolish thing to do, I know. Forgive me. We will hang out soon enough.
On that same vein, I've been thinking about friendships and how they work. How some friendships fade away with time and others will never deteriorate.
I recently saw a friend of mine whom I've known most of my life, but don't hang out with. We will forever be friends, I know it. No matter how much time apart, we will never lose touch. She will be at my wedding, and I at hers.
But it does make me think about other friendships I've had in the past that I thought were just as strong, but didn't make it past a couple years and now we never speak a word to each other. I hope in my heart that those people know that I do still care about them, I don't hate them in the slightest, but we just no longer have anything in common.
There are friends that you can go weeks, months, years even without seeing each other and yet when you do reconnect, it's as if you were never apart. You still laugh and joke and fall into old patterns.
Then there are friends that you seem to drift away from, the longer you're apart, almost as if you lose interest. Tis a terrible shame when this happens, but sometimes you lose your common denominator and no longer have anything to talk about.
Then there are those friends that you know, no matter what happens, ever, you will always be friends. Maybe not the best of friends, like you were in childhood, when all you had to have in common was a vested interest in teddy bears and Barbie dolls, but friends never the less.
Friendships are fascinating.
A far more difficult beast to tame than most people assume.
"Best Friends Forever"
It isn't really that simple, is it?
On another note, I will be without a computer for the next couple of days.
Hopefully not long. I shrivel without the internet.
But alas, if I want to (finally) have my own, personal computer set up and running, this is the way it must be.
my dear, you must really blog more often, as i find myself missing your quirky nuances that come forth to me by means of the world wide web. Also i quite like the new look of your internet home.