Saturday, November 26, 2011

I miss my friends.

Last week I went to Seattle to visit friends. I had a lot of fun and I finally made something out of the massive amounts of footage I took. I'm actually pretty proud of it.
Check it out if you wish :)

Also, I genuinely miss my friends. And not just the one's who are far away. I miss those who live here, too. I haven't seen anyone in what feels like forever and it's driving me up a wall :(
I crave a little social interaction, outside of work and family.
I'm hoping, with the holidays coming up, there may be a few, if short, opportunities to spend time with people I love.
Alright, enough of that. I'm out. <3

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sooooo, hey blogster

I've been embarrassing myself greatly on the internet lately. Like, a lot.
Uhm... here's some examples of this.
Le cover of Le Justin Bieber song.

and of course there's this
Le Bloopers from Le cover of Le Justin Bieber song.

I've been in a weird funk lately as is well... not unusual for me, shall we say.
And if you follow me on Twitter or Tumblr, I am genuinely sorry. Because I've been obnoxious and bitchy and whiny lately and yeah, that's not cool. Gonna break that habit, yeah?
So anyways, as I was saying.
I embarrass myself on the internet on a regular basis.

So I'm procrastinating doing all the things I need to do right now. My list is a million miles long but instead of being productive I'm being lazy and enjoying some quality internet time ;) Which I do far too often.

Also, here's some good tidbits of advice I've been given lately:

"Don't be a sarcastic bitch."
"Don't be weird."
"Be a good friend."

Follow these and you should be fine :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 08 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

My mother. (Not Nick Arrojo, obviously.)

I feel she might be the answer to several of these challenges. My mum is the most amazing person I know. We have a very tight knit relationship and its been said we're "practically the same person". We shop together, cry together, laugh together. She has helped me through everything I've ever dealt with. School, work, heartbreak, you name it. Some day I will buy her a fancy car or a new house but even so, I'll never be able to repay her for all the amazing stuff she does. She is remarkably strong and the best friend a girl could ask for. I love you, mum. Forever and always <3

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item

I'm very sentimentally attached to a lot of objects, which is probably not the best thing but it's most definitely true. That being said, I found it very difficult to pick a singular most treasured item. I tried to think of an object that I would sorely miss if it were gone, something irreplaceable, and this came to mind. I decided to go with a long lost necklace of mine because even though it's been approximately a year, possibly more, since I last had it in my possession I still treasure it dearly. My mum gave it to me when I was really little and for a long time I wore it every day. It was a safety net, a security blanket type item that for some strange reason made me feel safe and calm just wearing it. I played with it when I was nervous or scared and to this day I find myself clutching for it, even though I know it's not there.
Nervous habit, I suppose...