Wednesday, July 27, 2011


VidCon is here.
I don't know if I've talked about this on here before but I feel like I've talked about it everywhere and anywhere to everyone and anyone who will listen.
Basically, VidCon is like a convention for YouTube. Panels, Q&A, concerts, etc. Two days of it.
Super nerdy, but gonna be totally awesome.
I have been so nervous about this for so long that I'm beginning to feel numb.
Obviously, I'm also excited about it and it's going to be so much freaking fun, but I'm just an awkward gal and meeting new people is kinda terrifying for me.
Six months has gone by so friggin fast. I remember when I first bought my ticket for VidCon with the intention of possibly backing out due to anxiety. I told my friend who bought our tickets not to take it personally, just in case.
And then the next thing I knew I was booking flights and setting up all these things and now here we are and I'm leaving today!
I'm praying I've packed everything. Good lord.
Well, I suppose I'd better get myself going here. Don't want to be late and miss our flight. (Or maybe I kinda do a little bit...)
Hope everyone is well and I will fill you all in when I get back, to the best of my ability.
Love ya!

Current Harry Potter Book: Chamber of Secrets
Page Number: 33

Thursday, July 21, 2011

remember that one time

when I said I was going to reread the entire Harry Potter series before the last film came out and I was going to document what book/page I was on as I went?
Well, that totally didn't happen because I put the book down for like six months.
But I finished Philospher's Stone yesterday and am now reading Chamber of Secrets, so I'm going to start this up again.
I no longer have the deadline of "before the final film" but I still really want to reread the series.

Current Harry Potter Book: Chamber of Secrets
Page Number: 24

Friday, July 15, 2011

I woke up this morning and realized...
I am absolutely devastated.
That is all.


I am feeling such an overwhelming array of emotions right now.
Namely, confusion.
I feel as though it hasn't quite sunk in just yet.
It's difficult for me to get a handle on what just happened.
It's over. That's it, that's the end. No more.
I don't think I can deal with that.
Is it pathetic to be this emotionally invested?
Pathetic or passionate?
Let's go with the latter.
Although I don't claim to be some sort of Potter genius, there are plenty more knowledgable than I and plenty more dedicated too, but I still care. And I care a lot.
I grew up with this franchise. I remember waiting for my Hogwarts letter, the anticipation before I turned 11 and the great crash of disappointment when it never came.
I don't think anything has, can or ever will compare to the impact Harry Potter has had on my life. On all of our lives.
I wish my brain were clear so I could accurately explain my thoughts, but at 3:30 in the morning... that's pretty much hopeless.
There's so much I want to say, but I find myself speechless.
At the start of the movie, Claire and I stuck our wands in the air and yelled "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good." a beautiful moment to be sure (not to mention hilarious)
The plan was at the end to hold our wands high and proclaim "Mischief managed!" but I found myself so emotional, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I forgot, really. I was too busy crying and sobbing to even notice.
I think I'm more upset at the idea of it being over than I am with most of the actual events in the film. Or book, whichever.
In my mind, I like to pretend most of those characters didn't die and that a lot of the seventh book never happened (not a big fan of the last book for multiple reasons which may or may not change upon rereading in the future but currently... not so much)
Okay, whoa. I'm sorry blog. I have to go to bed. I've been attempting to write this for a good half hour and I simply cannot do it anymore. I need to sleep.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

I just wanna have a dance party

Hey blogerific blog friends

I am considering doing a few of those "X-amount of days challenge" things as a way to keep this blog updated on a regular basis. I can't do a 30 day challenge right now because I'm leaving for VidCon in 26 days (holy whoa!!!!) but I might do a 7 day challenge or something of that nature. Just answering random/personal questions that may or may not be of any interest to anyone. Whatever.

In other news.
I have just been thinking a lot lately about goals. Life goals, daily goals, little perhaps insignificant goals. I have so many of them. But I think the problem I've been having a lot in the past few years is that I have all these really big goals that I then get disappointed when I can't achieve them. But I think I need to remember to accomplish the smaller ones first. That they aren't something to be overlooked or to be taken for granted. And in that respect, I've accomplished a lot of things. But that doesn't mean I should stop trying. Never stop trying. There's always something new or interesting to learn or try. And with each little thing I accomplish I'm one step closer to those bigger goals.
Anyways, enough of that. Sorry.

So here's a few other things:

- my show choir is awesome and we have a 40 minute gig coming up which is both terrifying and amazing. we're working on getting costumes. deeply considering suspenders for the guys. and our colour of choice? pink. hell yeah. and no, I actually didn't have much to do with that so don't be all "yo Rachel you totes made them go with pink cause yer crazy obsessed with that colour blah blah blah" Nuh uh! xD I actually didn't even have to. though, maybe I would've anyway ;)
- tattoos. coming up so soon. getting freaked out. aaaaccckkk.
- been catching up on many many days of missed youtube videos. holy crow. too many vloggers. too many awesome people to watch. but also, so many people to compare myself to. yo, hey, self? stop doing that. kaythnxbai. no but actually I need to stop watching other people and thinking "I'm not as ____ as them." I am not in high school anymore, plz just stfu brain.
- as I tweeted earlier today, is July too early to be thinking of Halloween?
- I ordered 250 business cards for $8 just for fun...zies. o.O
- I may or may not be making buttons with "Racheltastik" printed on them. nbd.
- I'm over thinking and obsessing over a lot of stuff right now and uhhh, it's kinda dumb.
- I have nothing interesting to blog about.